The multifariousness of FIMS MBA program is balanced by a number of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. These furnish energizing avenues for professional development to students through the vibrant and active student body named as Management Students Association (MSA).
To nurture the experiential learning in management education, the MSA of FIMS takes up the responsibility for managing various activates that form an integral part of the two-year fully residential FIMS MBA program. The MSA is a formally elected student association to initiate and coordinate various curricular and extra-curriculat activities of student life at FIMS.
The MSA activities are coordinated by MSA Secretary. The MSA comprises of the Director of FIMS, 12 elected student members and 2 faculty members. MSA participate in a wide range of professional and cultural events, both in and outside the campus. It also acts as an interface between the students and the administration, and supervises all activities that are organized in campus by various clubs.